
This area of the website covers installations, worship centres, sacred spaces, and labyrinths.


A short introduction by Jacqui Hicks

The term installation is sometimes applied to permanent, site-specific, sculptural ensembles created for corporate or public settings. But it also applies to short term displays that are larger and more unusual than the worship display created for a prayer focus in a Sunday or weekday service as installations take a little longer to 'install'.


Creating displays can be difficult when you are first starting. Here is the 'how to' for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. The base of the display can be used for both.


A worship focus with inspiration from the darkest hours of persecuted Christians. This moving display was created by John Sennett, a local preacher in Chislehurst. Our thanks to him for sharing with us his creation and his thoughts about how and why he chose to create this particular worship focus.


ArtServe member Eileen Davis writes:

For many years we have converted the front of the church at Priory Methodist Church, Bedford from a podium to a garden for Easter.

Palm branch

If you have still got your Christmas tree trunk and made it into a cross, here are a few ideas for using in worship displays leading up to and including Easter.

If you haven't, talk someone into creating a large cross for you (and then talk someone else into loaning you their 'workmate' to stand it in).

Yew treeAs an alternative to a Christmas tree this year why not create a Jesse Tree in your church and then send us a photo?

Some inspiration from Stella Bristow

You may wish to create a worship display occasionally instead of a flower arrangement, using materials relating to the theme of the service. Creating displays requires a squirrel mentality – an eye for seeing potential in a piece of wood or a stone and in other people’s rubbish as well as your own! As you gather items together, you may need to dedicate some storage space to your collection.