The Freeman (Methodist) Music Trust makes grants, particularly for tuition for organists, other instrumentalists and singers, who contribute to music in worship. While ArtServe is an ecumenical organisation, this trust is at present limited to Methodist churches. People of any age are encouraged to apply, although the trustees especially welcome younger applicants.

To apply for a grant, please download an application form and send the completed application, along with a letter of support from the student's minister, to ArtServe's registered company address as given on the form. Applications should normally be made by 31 August of each year. Grants are usually paid in three instalments over a year commencing from 1 September.

The Trust also makes occasional grants for the repair of instruments in Methodist churches (or other churches where Methodist worship is celebrated), though not for routine servicing and tuning. If you want to make an enquiry, please contact the secretary at .

The Freeman (Methodist) Music Trust (registered charity number 214836) was set up under the will of the late William Frank Freeman. The objectives of the trust, as set out in Mr Freeman’s will, are as follows:

For the purposes of raising the standard of singing and organ playing in Methodist Churches by making grants or contributions to the Ministers or the controlling authorities of such Churches to be expended by them as will directly or indirectly help towards a better musical service either by instruction, repair of  instruments, scholarships or prizes in some other way.

The trustees of the Freeman Trust are the chair, secretary and treasurer of ArtServe.